Kalk Bay is its Own, Self-Contained Tourism Route
Weekend traffic along Cape Town’s False Bay coastline – which begins at Muizenberg, more or less, and trails all the way, via the penguins, down to Cape Point – has been getting less congested by the week, now that we’re into winter (a.k.a. the Green Season).
This fact makes a visit to the bustling seaside hamlet of Kalk Bay even more imperative, in Your Correspondent’s opinion. There’s more than a day’s-worth of things see and do here: buy a fish fresh off the boat at the harbor, eat at Cape Town’s best restaurant, walk along the seaside from Danger Beach to Muizenberg and back, explore the fishing village’s many little shops, surf the waves off the Brass Bell restaurant – you’ll be so charmed, you’ll end up devising schemes for putting down roots (as many of my friends have done – not just devised, but actually carried through their schemes!).