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Exciting New SA Blog Feature: Huey Watch!

(An SA Blog Beta Post from Your Correspondent)

SA Blog is introducing a new daily feature to track one of Cape Town’s more important questions, namely: Is the Huey in the air?

The Huey, for those who don’t know, is a Vietnam War-era military helicopter, useful for transporting troops. Cape Town has one. Its owner has been involved in his own war, with the aviation authorities, who want to prevent him from transporting tourists. Sometimes the authorities succeed in grounding the Huey, and sometimes the renegade sightseeing chopper lifts off, destined for parts scenic. The situation is tense, in constant flux.

SA Blog’s office window affords a good view of the Huey’s flight path, so, from now on, until the controversy ends one way or the other, all observations of the great metal bird will be recorded for posterity.

2 Jan 2006, first Huey Watch post: The Huey is in the air! I’ve seen it churning its way south from its Paarden Eiland base twice already.


To book a ride, try your luck phoning the Huey Xtreme Club, (021) 418-0207.

To read why the authorities are nervous and upset, check out this Independent Online news story.

To follow the various Huey legal disputes, click here and here.