Cape Town Power Outage: City Rally Tonight
Alert! Capetonians, stand up for your city!
Not withstanding the fact that Cape Town’s electricity supply has more-or-less returned to normal – there are still rolling blackouts in areas like Paarl and Gordon’s Bay, and farmers continue to suffer from unpredictable windows of power supply – the city’s medium-term troubles are far from resolved.
To highlight the disruption that the power shortages have caused in the lives of all Western Cape residents and visitors, and to call for speedier, more effective action from the various (ostrich-imitating) authorities, union COSATU has organised a crisis rally for this evening. The rally is open to all.
- Crisis rally details: 7 p.m., Auditorium 2, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC)
Meanwhile, Eskom’s reduced overall capacity has sparked fears of domino-effect blackouts in other parts of the country, such as the Eastern Cape, as well as in Namibia.
- Follow the story: Dispatch | Namibian | Cape Times | Google News