Cape Town Power Outage: Avoid Llandudno Beach
One of the best ways to beat Cape Town’s power outage blues is to hit the beach – but not Llandudno Beach, at least when there’s no electricity.
Reports from Llandudno residents have it that power outages stop the area’s sewage pumping system, leaving the effluent with no outlet but a large pipe that runs directly on to the beach, and out to sea. The effluent, it hardly need be pointed out is a major health hazard.
Llandudno beach is a favorite among locals, because it’s not nearly as crowded as the Clifton or Camps Bay beaches up the road, but is equally beautiful. The mansions above the secluded beach reputedly comprise the highest per-capita income neighborhood in the country. The beach, fortunately, is public – but so, for the moment, is the sewage.
- Llandudno map: click here.